Michael Lydon &
Cathie Forman

School Board Director Region 1

Michael Lydon is a 37 year resident of Southampton. Mike and his wife have raised five children in the Centennial Community.

Cathie Forman

I’m running for the Centennial School Board because I want to be able to support programs that will benefit all of the students in the district. I was a school social worker for 27 years, providing services for students students age 5 to 21 (for special education) throughout Bucks County. I've interacted with students, their families, teachers, and administrators. Respecting everyone’s individual needs is extremely important to me. I try my best to listen with an open mind without judging. This is imperative to be good at a job in the helping profession. I will bring the same mindset to the Centennial School Board.

I have lived in Upper Southampton for 30 years. Both my children, now ages 30 and 33, attended our district’s schools; Stackpole Elementary School (no longer open), Klinger Middle School and William Tennent High School. Both received a good, solid education despite having different strengths. I would like to have discussions to build on what’s good in the schools, and be open to working with students and parents when things need to be addressed.

When my children were 10 and 13, I became a widow. I know what it is to work full time, raise my children and pay taxes as a single parent. I am a strong proponent of fiscal responsibility. I will support our school taxes going to programs for our youth, paying teachers a fair wage, and looking for outside funding when needed.

At the present time, I’m retired and have the time to commit to the task. I do volunteer work which I hope will show you that I’m involved in supporting programs for our youth and community.

Upper Southampton Youth Aid Panel- I’ve been a volunteer with this program for over 10 years. This is run by the Upper Southampton Police Department.

Surrogate Parent for Bucks County Youth- Coordinated by the Bucks County Intermediate Unit to provide support for students who (for various reasons) don’t have a legal parent/guardian for educational decisions.

Upper Southampton Environmental Advisory Council- I am the volunteer chairperson in our town.

Bucks County Peace Center- A supporting member for 25 years, I participate in some of their programs for young people.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Sociology & Philosophy from Montclair State University, and a Masters Degree from Hunter College School of Social Work. I also have training in Crisis Intervention, Non-Violent Mediation, and Suicide Prevention.

I appreciate this opportunity to tell you a bit about myself and welcome conversation if you’d like to.

My email address is: envirocath@gmail.com